

The sis lens is a singular isothermal sphere with deflection1 \[ \alpha_x = r_E \, \frac{x}{r} \;, \] \[ \alpha_y = r_E \, \frac{y}{r} \;, \] where $r_E$ is the Einstein radius, and $r$ is the distance to the position of the lens.


The sie lens is a singular isothermal ellipsoid with deflection1 \[ \alpha_x = r_E \, \frac{\sqrt{q}}{\sqrt{1 - q^2}} \, \text{arctan} \left( \frac{x \, \sqrt{1 - q^2}}{\sqrt{q^2 x^2 + y^2}} \right) \;, \] \[ \alpha_y = r_E \, \frac{\sqrt{q}}{\sqrt{1 - q^2}} \, \text{arctanh} \left( \frac{y \, \sqrt{1 - q^2}}{\sqrt{q^2 x^2 + y^2}} \right) \]


When the axis ratio q is fixed to unity, the lens becomes a singular isothermal sphere, but the implemented deflection diverges. Use the sis lens in this case.


The nsis lens is a non-singular isothermal sphere with deflection1 \[ \alpha_x = r_E \, \frac{x}{r + s} \;, \] \[ \alpha_y = r_E \, \frac{y}{r + s} \]


When the core radius s is fixed to zero, the lens becomes a singular isothermal sphere. Use the sis lens in this case.


The nsie lens is a non-singular isothermal ellipsoid with deflection1 \[ \alpha_x = r_E \, \frac{\sqrt{q}}{\sqrt{1 - q^2}} \, \text{arctan} \left( \frac{x \, \sqrt{1 - q^2}}{\sqrt{q^2 x^2 + y^2} + s} \right) \;, \] \[ \alpha_y = r_E \, \frac{\sqrt{q}}{\sqrt{1 - q^2}} \, \text{arctanh} \left( \frac{y \, \sqrt{1 - q^2}}{\sqrt{q^2 x^2 + y^2} + q^2 s} \right) \]


When the axis ratio q is fixed to unity, the lens becomes a non-singular isothermal sphere, but the implemented deflection diverges. Use the nsis lens in this case.

When the core radius s is fixed to zero, the lens becomes a singular isothermal ellipsoid. Use the sie lens in this case.


The epl lens follows an elliptical power law profile 2

\[ \kappa(R) = \frac{2-t}{2} \left(\frac{b}{R}\right)^t \]

where $R$ is the elliptical radius $R = \sqrt{q^2 x^2 + y^2}$, $b$ is the scale length, and $t$ is the slope of the power law.


When the axis ratio $q$ is fixed to unity, the lens becomes a regular power law lens.

When the slope $t$ is fixed to unity, the lens becomes a singular isothermal ellipsoid. Use the sie lens in this case.

When the slope $t$ is fixed to 2, the lens becomes a point mass. Use the point_mass lens in this case.

  1. P. Schneider, C. S. Kochanek, and J. Wambsganss, Gravitational Lensing: Strong, Weak and Micro (Springer, 2006). 

  2. N. Tessore & R. B. Metcalf, A&A (2015).