Creating objects

From the start, Lensed was intended to be easily extended with custom objects. This allows for the targeted reconstruction of individual observations with made-to-measure objects.

New objects for lenses and sources can be added to Lensed by simply creating a new file with the model name and extension .cl in the objects folder. There is no need to recompile Lensed, and the new objects are available immediately.

The file has to contain a number of required elements. Consider the following sample objects/ that implements a singular isothermal sphere lens.

// file: objects/

type = LENS;

    { "x" }, // x position
    { "y" }, // y position
    { "r" }  // Einstein radius

    float2 x; // lens position
    float r;  // Einstein radius

static float2 deflection(constant data* this, float2 x)
    return this->r*normalize(x - this->x);

static void set(global data* this, float x, float y, float r)
    // lens position
    this->x = (float2)(x, y);

    // Einstein radius
    this->r = r;

These four blocks are the fundamental components for a lens. A source is very similar, except that it must contain a surface brightness function

static float brightness(constant data* this, float2 x)
    return ...;

instead of the deflection function required for a lens.

Object type

// the type of object: LENS, SOURCE
type = LENS;

The first definition for a new object should be its type. There are two basic choices, LENS and SOURCE, that determine the role of the object. A LENS must contain a deflection function, and a source must contain a brightness function (see below).


// the object parameters
    { "x" }, // x position
    { "y" }, // y position
    { "r" }  // Einstein radius

Object data

// the object data
// the same rules as for a regular struct apply
    float2 x; // lens position
    float r;  // Einstein radius

Deflection (lens)

// a deflection function for a lens
// the first argument is the object data
// the second argument is the image plane position
// return value is the source plane position
static float2 deflection(constant data* this, float2 x)
    // deflection for SIS
    return this->r*normalize(x - this->x);   

Brightness (source)

// surface brightness function for a source
// the first argument is the object data
// the second argument is the source plane position
// return value is the surface brightness
static float brightness(constant data* this, float2 x)
    // Gaussian profile for centered and rotated coordinate system
    float2 y = mv22(this->t, x - this->x);
    return this->norm*exp(-0.5f*dot(y, y)/this->s2);

Parameter setter

// update object data for new parameters
// first argument is the object data
// further arguments are float values of the parameters
// the order is the same as in the definition
static void set(global data* this, float x, float y, float r)
    // lens position
    this->x = (float2)(x, y);

    // Einstein radius
    this->r = r;